Jul 1, 2020

郑人买履-相似字词网的练习和应用 Word Similarity Application


Goal: to increase student’s  proficiency level (适用于中文二 /三/ 四)

Task: Vocabulary Extended Exercise生字/词阔展练习

Useful Web tool: http://wordsimilarity.com


1. 进入网站,用关键字搜寻"沉默"----> 会得到十个相似词
2. 进入网站,搜寻" 叶公好龙"-->会得到十大相似成语
3. 进入网站, 搜寻" 郑人买履"-->会得到成语的原出处和解释


愚人买鞋   -维基百科解释愚人买鞋    看视频说故事 经典怀旧动画

Basic on the story, request student to do the following tasks:

 -Write 7 Questions sentence statement (interpretive mode)



-Retell the story in Chinese (presentational mode)


-Rewrite the story in Chinese (in chronological order) (先/然后/再/最后)


-Draw “comic strip” Ask student which way they prefer, store shopping or online shopping? (我喜欢上街买鞋/我喜欢上网买鞋)(interpersonal mode)

Appendix: 3 Modes of Language 

Interpersonal, Interpretive, Presentational.


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