Oct 9, 2015

If you want to win, how do you do it? 如果想贏, 怎麼做?

Chinese in-class activity 

1. Teacher explain the word of "贏"( include five components) and write on the white board. 

2. Ask students what's their winning strategy, if they want to win during a sports game, competition, tournament...etc.   Use these five words or radicals to re-produce more related characters or phrases (亡 口  月 貝 凡).

 e.g.口---吃---吃健康的食物。口---言---說話, 溝通---常常跟隊友們溝通。

月---肌肉---每天都去健身房訓練肌肉。月---肚子---時常做運動, 肚子就不會越來越大! 

3. Use student's hand writing of  "贏",  make it as a background picture, upload it to ThingLink website.

Put many "Tags" on the right position, make sure those Tags will link to the following resources:

-A YouTube video -Sentence definition -A SoundCloud (Voice recording) -picture/photo

-related website resources  -Chinese online dictionary  -own idea or creative thought  

Teacher introduce the Chinese character of "贏" on the white board:


  1. 我在李开复的微博上也看到这个呢 :)

  2. 對, 類似的圖片在網路上很多, 但重點是把這樣的圖示方法與Thinglink連結起來教學生寫漢字, 容易記, 也讓學生自由發揮想像力創造力。
